Our moisturisers have been created with skin age, type and subtle-floral aromas in mind. We have seven moisturisers from which to choose. They are not only good for your skin, but are also a pleasure to use daily. For a full skin-care routine, we recommend that you use our clay-cleansing bars, water-based facial toners as well as the moisturiser of your choice. Check out our range and select one that is right for you: the choice of essential oils makes them an essential part of daily self-nurture and assist in balancing hormonal and emotional cycles (e.g., mood fluctuations, pre-menopause, menopause, menstruation pain and emotional sensitivity).
Natural Sun-Screen Protection Can Be Added
Jamie can add natural sun-screen protection, such as avocado oil, to your moisturiser on request. This can only be done for tubs of 120mL and there is no extra charge for this service.