Meditation Classes

Zoom Meditation Classes
Jamie is delighted to offer Thursday fortnightly meditation classes on Zoom. Zoom enables us to keep session fees low, and extend the invitation to all parts of the world who are able to join us at 7.30pm AEST. Throughout this hour of meditation Donna plays the crystal bowls. Their tone and high frequencies create a relaxed vibe to take you on a deep inward journey.

Jamie meditations are guided, and usually build on a theme. Voice-channeled, the sessions are naturally customised for those who come on the night. After the theme is introduced and contextualised, there is a short 10 minute meditation designed for relaxation, grounding, connection and skill-development (e.g., breath control). Then, after a stretch and drink of water (if you want to), Donna launches into the main meditation of the week which highlights and expands the theme. The meditation narrative also draws on the threads and skills practiced in the minor mediation that has preceded it.
Registration and pre-payment are essential to ensure that the space is kept safe. Some meditation participants are regular; others attend casually; and be assured that we welcome newcomers. The cost for one session is $12.50 or you can buy a group of 5 admissions for $60 that can be used whenever you are able to join us.
Meditation Etiquette, Recommendations and Dates
Throughout COVID-19, we have all become familiar with the Zoom platform and standard Zoom etiquette. However, we would like to clarify how we use Zoom for group meditation classes and practice.
- Jamie will send you the Zoom link via email rather than through social media accounts.
- You are advised to enter the space unmuted, so that we can exchange cordial greetings and welcome newcomers.
- When we are ready to start, you will be asked to mute yourself.
- Set-up your own space to be comfortable - just how you like it.
- Please bring a glass of water to class. Water naturally absorbs healing energy and acts as your personal 'meditation essence'.
- As this is a live voice-channeled meditation, Jamie can not admit latecomers.
- If you would like to do this meditation but can not join us live, just register and make payment and we will send you the session as a Dropbox link so that you can do it in your own time.
- If live participants would also like the Dropbox link to repeat the session in your own time, please let us know and we will send it to you.
- Recipients of the free-class meditation voucher are invited to use this once, at any time. Just check session dates and send Jamie text of your intention to join, and we will send you a Zoom link. Internationals can notify us by email, but are advised to register at least one week in advance.
Jamie Zoom meditation classes run from 7.30-8.30pm every Thursday fortnight until September 2022, Beginning in September, they will run on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month. We would love to welcome you.